What is a BeachBum?

A person who gives back, pays forward and commits acts of kindness.

How do we do this?
By being aware of opportunities to leave at least one situation per day better than we found it, to bring a smile, to create laughter, to cheer someone on, to share a handshake, hug or high-five.

Why do we do this?
Because it is the right thing to do.
Mostly, though? It just feels good!

How did we get here?

In 2010, my Mom saw an article in the local newspaper about a shelter which was providing assistance for homeless and in-need veterans. Most people (including us, at the time) had never heard of it…and it was located about a mile away from the home where I grew up.

One phone call and a site-visit later, the BeachBum Philanthropy giving mission to help Liberty House began with a very messy assemblage of peanut butter & jelly sandwiches on the dashboard of my Honda CR-V. Made a heck of a mess. They were sloppy, oozing jelly out the sides…yet the folks at Liberty House were so graciously appreciative.

Several days later, we reached out to ask: “What else do you need?”

The response to that question inspired us to begin sharing on social media and checking our own closets and pantries, helping us to realize just how much potential we, and other regular everyday people, have to share kindness…and how simple giving can truly be.

We now use this page, as well as the BeachBum Philanthropy Facebook page to share ideas, educate on how simple giving can be, and celebrate people who are living, breathing examples of awesomeness and generosity.

How can you build your giving muscles?

Do YOU want to become a BeachBum? Not sure where to start?

Identify those in your community who are already making a difference.
Observe what they are doing. Reach out to them and ask: “How can I help?”

You can contact shelters, food pantries, churches, non-profits. Many of them have web pages with a ‘Wish List’ of needed items.

Common needs include: canned goods, socks, underwear, sweatshirts, coats, jeans, boots, sneakers, gloves, hats, scarves and blankets.

Gather your family and friends. Pool your resources and talents. Make a difference.

Want some ideas? Watch the videos below for thought-starters.

You can also visit the BeachBum Philanthopy Facebook page to get some ideas or visit Steve’s Calendar to set up a phone conversation.

Let’s get on a call and kick around some powerful ideas!

How Can I Give & What Are the Benefits of Giving?
Real Giving for the Right Reasons!
Gratitude and Giving (Inspired by The Go-Giver)!